Over the past decades, the television has become a permanent fixture in the living room, making it the home’s focal point. As time went by, the TV has undergone major changes. In the past, it occupied a large amount of space. Today, the latest models are getting slimmer, allowing them to be mounted on the wall. Some can even be connected to the Internet whilst some can play movies and music right off a USB or external hard disk.
While today’s plasma, LCD and LED TVs can be placed on top of a stand, a lot of homeowners are availing of a TV wall mounting service to put their television on their walls. This allows them the luxury of enjoying watching television, without the cluttered look associated with older sets.
Before the television is mounted onto your wall, it is important to find the right placement for your television so that you can get the most out of it and enjoy watching TV shows or movies.
In general, your television should be mounted on your wall at a height where you do not have to tilt your neck up or down just to view the show on the TV. In finding the optimal placement for your TV, you will have to sit on the couch where you will spend a lot of time watching it. From there, you will have to pick a spot where the centre of the television meets the place where your eyes fall on when you look straight ahead. However, the optimal placement will also depend on the type of television that you have. A plasma television works best when it is placed at eye level while an LCD television can be viewed best when it is placed slightly higher than eye level. The angle of the television should also be considered, depending on the type of television you have. The placement of your television will also be affected by the other equipment you will use with it, like your DVD player and audio system.
Mounting a television on the wall is not your typical DIY project. You will have to contend with placing and running wires behind the wall — tasks that require specialist skill and put you at risk of electrocution. Done incorrectly, the damage wrought can cause a significant amount of money. As such, leave the job to the professionals who have experience in doing the job right.